Palaa testien linkkisivulle

multiplication: 2 times 3


multiplication_by: 2 by 3


multiplication_cross: u cross v


ellipses_auto_start: dot dot dot comma negative 2 comma negative 1 comma 0

, -2,-1,0

ellipses_auto_end: 1 comma 2 comma 3 comma dot dot dot

1 , 2 , 3 ,

ellipses_auto_middle: 1 comma 2 comma 3 comma dot dot dot comma 20

1 , 2 , 3 , , 20

ellipses_auto_both: dot dot dot comma negative 2 comma negative 1 comma 0 comma 1 comma 2 comma dot dot dot

, -2,-1,0,1,2 ,

ellipses_and_so_on_start: dot dot dot comma negative 2 comma negative 1 comma 0

, -2,-1,0

ellipses_and_so_on_end: 1 comma 2 comma 3 and so on

1 , 2 , 3 ,

ellipses_and_so_on_middle: 1 comma 2 comma 3 and so on up to 20

1 , 2 , 3 , , 20

ellipses_and_so_on_both: dot dot dot comma negative 2 comma negative 1 comma 0 comma 1 comma 2 comma dot dot dot

, -2,-1,0,1,2 ,

vertical_line_auto: 3 divides 6


vertical_line_divides: 3 divides 6


vertical_line_given: 3 given 6


vertical_line_probability_given: cap p, open paren, cap eigh given cap b, close paren

P ( A | B )

vertical_line_set: the set of all x such that x is greater than 0

{ x | x > 0 }

vertical_line_set_such_that: the set of all x such that x is greater than 0

{ x | x > 0 }

vertical_line_set_given: the set of all x such that x is greater than 0

{ x | x > 0 }

vertical_line_set_and_abs: the set of all x such that the absolute value of x; is greater than 2

{ x | | x | > 2 }

vertical_line_evaluated_at: f of x evaluated at, x is equal to 5

f ( x ) | x = 5

vertical_line_evaluated_at_both: x squared plus x, evaluated at 1 minus the same expression evaluated at 0

x 2 + x | 0 1

vertical_line_evaluated_at_divides: f of x evaluated at, x is equal to 5

f ( x ) | x = 5

vertical_line_evaluated_at_both_given: x squared plus x, evaluated at 1 minus the same expression evaluated at 0

x 2 + x | 0 1